DIY Remodel Dos and Don’ts

When you’re thinking about starting a DIY remodel, there is a lot to consider. While DIY projects can be fun and rewarding, there are also some potential pitfalls to avoid. Here are some DIY remodeling dos and don’ts to help guide your project!

DIY Remodel Dos

•Plan ahead: Take some time to evaluate the scope of your project and plan it out as best as possible. It’s always a good idea to create a timeline and list of materials you’ll need in order to keep the project organized and on track.

•Create a budget: It’s easy to get carried away with projects, so make sure to establish and stick to a budget. Consider how much you can comfortably spend without compromising safety or overall quality.

•Take before and after pictures: and plenty of photos and videos of your process! We always regret it when we forget to do this. It’s fun to remember how far you’ve come and it can also be a huge motivator to keep going when you start to get exhausted and tired of your project. 

DIY Remodel Don’ts

•Don’t take on a project that’s outside of your skill set: Even for the most experienced DIYers, there are certain tasks and projects that are better left to the experts. If you’re unsure if you can handle the task, estimate how much time it might take and decide if it’s worth your while.

•Don’t skimp on tools and materials: A poorly-executed project is worse than no project at all. Make sure you have the right tools and materials needed to get the job done right the first time.

•Don’t quit too soon: it can be easy to slow down or stop your project all together when you get the space you’re working on to that point where it isn’t quite finished, but the floors are done, the walls are mostly painted but maybe you haven’t but all the outlet covers back on or installed trim. It can be tempting to start moving furniture back in and let the family and kid start inhabiting the space again but don’t do it! Finish that room out and you will be so proud that you did!

By following these simple DIY remodeling dos and don’ts, you’ll be well on your way to a successful home improvement project. So get started, and have fun!

Call Caleb for a free estimate, email Jess with blog post questions and ideas!

Caleb - (417)-844-5011

Jess -


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